Tuesday, May 19, 2009

teen idol.

I got no beef with Zac Efron. Really. Dare I say, I may even... like the guy?

Yeah, I know. I (a holier-than-thou, highly judgemental culture snob) should hate him and all he stands for, but I just can't bring myself to. Charming son of a gun. Reading his interview in the May issue of GQ only strengthened my thoughts that, much like the Jonas Brothers, (which I'll save for another post,) beneath the vacuous teen idol persona lies a talented, career-savvy individual. Kid's got a good head on his shoulders, and he seems extremely self-aware, a quality sorely lacking in the entertainment industry. Best of luck, Mr. Efron, and while I won't be rushing out to see 17 Again any time soon, I think you have bigger and better things on the horizon.



  1. COL-ERASE! :D Prismacolor verithins are my weapon of choice.

  2. Man, I had started using it to lay down some roughs/construction lines to ink over, but I was loving the feel of it, so I just kept going.

  3. Lil' Dro owes me royaltiesMay 20, 2009 at 2:20 AM

    Whatever you do, don't champion the Jonas Brothers.

  4. I WAS PROMISED ONE NEW POST A DAY. There better be new art when I get back form the big OTT
