Thursday, May 21, 2009

who wears short shorts?


One of the many things I've learned over the past few years is that if one has the frame of a twelve year old boy, baggy clothes only serve to emphasize this. This was why I bought my $12 short trunks at H&M last summer, and GAWD do I love them. Now that summer seems to have finally hit the city, I look forward to wearing them whenever possible.

It was a balmy 27 degrees today, so it seemed like the perfect time to bring them out of retirement. This afternoon, I brought my Daffy Duck towel, my straw hat, and my book, (William Gibson's Spook Country,) up to the roof for an impromptu sun-session. I must say, it was absolutely magnificent.

(apologies for not posting yesterday, I came home from work a little late, and decided to sleep instead of posting.)


1 comment:

  1. I have the legs of a 12 year old GIRL so no, shorts are still a no no for me. Gotta do those squats I guess.... *sigh*

    one... two... three... four... five...
