Wednesday, June 17, 2009

wednesday comics.

Mainstream superhero comics, I <3 you. I really, really do. I know it's been a while since we've seen each other, and that you may have done me wrong in the past, but I think I'm ready to give you another shot.

Our first encounter was a memorable one, to say the least. It was the ninth grade. I was in what was, at the time, my local comic shop, innocently perusing the shelves, when something caught my eye. It was THIS:

Astonishing X-Men 5. I had heard great things on the web, and the internet had never lied to me, so I decided to check it out. John Cassaday's art was stunning, and Joss Whedon's writing was equally stellar. (Yes, the Buffy guy.) Dammit, Comics, you had me at hello.

And thus began our three-year long love affair. A very EXPENSIVE love affair. Why did I give you up? As much as I hate to say it, money was a factor. At over $4 an issue, you were getting to be a very expensive habit, especially once I was following over 15 books a month. However, I'd be lying if I said that was all that did it. You did some pretty stupid things yourself, Comics. Some of your "summer blockbuster" crossovers were real disappointments. (I'm looking at you, Civil War.) Also, in all honesty, 95% of you was pretty darn stupid.

But my stars and garters, that 5%. When you were on, comics, you were ON. Runaways. Invincible. Seven Soldiers. Final Crisis. The aforementioned Astonishing X-Men. So much amazing. (Amazing that I'll probably talk about in further detail in the weeks to come.)

Really, Comics, you're a large part of why I'm at OCAD right now. That amazing 5% served as amazing inspiration, and for those three tumultuous years, I was surrounded by amazing illustrations. You may not be my career of choice, but you helped me get to where I am right now, and for that, I'll be eternally grateful.

And so, it is with some apprehension that I have decided to come back to you, Comics. Let's start fresh. You have some amazing stuff coming down the pipeline that I really want to be a part of. Morrison/Quitely on Batman and Robin, Kathryn Immonen on Runaways, and Wednesday Comics, the only book where I can find Paul Pope, Karl Kerschl, Brian Stelfreeze, Ryan Sook, Sean Galloway, Ben Caldwell and Amanda Conner in one place... EVERY WEEK! I don't think I can pass that up.

Oh, I can't quit you, babe. I guess I just had to put you down for a while.



  1. Comics ARE exppensive. Yeeesh.

    My mom has one from the 60's haha. It's so busted up. It cost like one or two pesos haha.

  2. Oh, they are for sure, but some of them are well worth it, if only for the art alone. If you ever want to start reading, let me know, and I can point you in the right direction.
